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Certified Usui Tibetan Reiki Master/Teacher 

Bachelor's in Education 

Mind Body Medicine Studies



"Holly is a woman of grace & beauty. The real deal. She knows when to be soft & when to be fierce. She carries potent medicine & deep knowing in her bones."
Junipermoon Healing Arts 


I've been in private practice since 1997.  Trained as a Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher, I have 26 years experience within integrative healing practices & rehabilitation environments.

I've lived with Mayan medicine workers, in the jungle of Mexico & learnt their sacred medicine ways.


Through the years I've assisted professional athletes - the Denver Broncos & Avalanche Hockey Teams, Ice climbers, First Responders, Head Trauma Victims, those with cancer, doctors & nurses. Teaching all levels of Reiki classes from Level One to Master, is a large part of the self empowering offerings I get to share.


At 16 months young, I was diagnosed with Retinal Blastoma, cancer in the optic nerve of my right eye. Full enucleation (removel of the eye) was required. With no possibility of corrective surgery, I adapted to life with Monocular vision. I intuitively learned how to thrive.


My compassion barometer skyrocketed, my psychic & intuitive capabilities highly activated & a deep capacity to empathize & live life to it's fullest, have all been the result. 


18 years ago, when I received the Reiki Master/Teacher certification in Usui Tibetan Reiki, a journey of self empowerment was ignited. I began a deep exploration into the role that personal responsibility plays in one's overall well being. I discovered a common occurrence - that a victim mentality can foster repetitive, self defeating behaviors & most often leads to a self sabotaging mind & an unwell body.


Combining science of mind/body medicine studies, Reiki, Shamanism & Psychic intuition, my practice has evolved into educating others about nonphysical reality & guiding clients to take an active role in their healing process.


I've supported clients nationally & internationally & from all walks of life since 1997, with one on one sessions, distant healing & teaching workshops in the USA, Yucatan & South Africa. 


I've Volunteered my Reiki services in the following Medical Settings

Cedars Sinai Hospital (Los Angeles)

St Joseph's & Children's Hospital (Denver)

Rancho Los Amigos Rehabilitation Center (CA)


Hospice Volunteer

(Elevation Home Health & Hospice)

Providing companionship & family support 


My Clients Include

Professional Athletes from State Football & Ice Hockey Teams

Beckenridge Fire Fighters & First Responders

Women in pregnancy & their partners in my Reiki Babi Program

Teens struggling with anxiety & addiction

Executive in-Office Wellness Days

Equine & Domestic animals 




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